Sunday 7 July 2013

Interests of pedestrians, and cyclists are often ignored.

Sometimes they get it right!
Even though, as in this case (A251 approaching a bridge over the M2), it is not a well used route, and the hedge needs cutting back.

It would appear that with highway design , Their minds are so fixated with catering for motor vehicles, that the interests of pedestrians and cyclists, are often ignored.
This is a street (Silver Hill) which is a one-way street, running into a mini-roundabout .  In their wisdom, Highways incorporated a road-narrowing (Pinch-Point) at the mouth of the roundabout    Kent Highways refused to accept any criticism of their design in this case, but it is clearly not the least bit cycle-friendly, yet it could easily be made so.   This feature remains as it is today.   

Charing Hill.
Traffic frequently travels rather fast down Charing Hill (A252).  The crash-barrier is intended to prevent motor-vehicles, that might just happen to loose control and mount the pavement, from going down an embankment;  BUT woe-betide any pedestrian who might happen to be on the pavement at that spot, at that moment in time.

A barrier should protect pedestrians as a first priority.

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